Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sowing Seeds

Matthew 13

The Parable of the Sower

Someone who hears the word and understands it

16 But blessed are your eyes because they see,

and your ears because they hear

This is the one who produces a crop

Monday, May 20, 2013

Freedom because we are the Beloved Children of God

Jesus' Freedom - Henri Nouwen

Jesus was truly free.  His freedom was rooted in his spiritual awareness that he was the Beloved Child of God.  He knew in the depth of his being that he belonged to God before he was born, that he was sent into the world to proclaim God's love, and that he would return to God after his mission was fulfilled.   This knowledge gave him the freedom to speak and act without having to please the world and the power to respond to people's pains with the healing love of God.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The way of Christ - The way of man

Self over Principle
Power over Meekness
Quick fix over Long Haul
Cover up over Confession
Escapism over Confrontation
Comfort over Sacrifice
Feeling over Commitment
Legality over Justice
Body over Spirit
Anger over Forgiveness
Man over God

Find Rest

You will find rest for your souls

John the Baptist

“‘I will send my messenger ahead of you,
    who will prepare your way before you.’

I can denounce a king,
  but I cannot enthrone one.
I can strip an idol of its power,
  but I cannot reveal the true God.
I can wash the soul in sand,
  but I cannot dress it in white.
I can devour the word of the Lord like wild honey,
  but I cannot lace his sandal.
I can condemn sin,
  but I cannot bear it away.
Behold the Lamb of God,
  who takes away the sin of the world.
 (John Shea)