Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Piper's Prayer from Spectacular Sins

Gracious and glorious Father,
because you are rich in mercy, 
and great in love,
 and sovereign in grace, 
we ask that you would make this little book
a window on to the panorama of your glory,
and a skylight to your supremacy in all things.

By the truth-loving poer of your Holy Spirit
grant that the glass pane would be clean-
that what is faithful to your word would be confirmed,
and what is not would be forgiven, not confusing.
We ask that your cloud-banishing illumination
would be given to our minds,
and that spiritual understanding would fill our hearts,
and that according to the command of the apostle,
we would grow in the grace and knowledge
of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
(to be continued)

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